aug 21

CNN Embedable Video

It seems such a small revolution, but one of things I instituted at was embeddable video. A year later, no other site affiliated with a news network had gotten on board -- until recently. It looks like just added an "embed" button. [via]


Just this morning I wanted to embed an ABC News video but when I clicked their little "share" button it was just a form to email it. Lame. YOU ARE AHEAD OF YOUR TIME!

posted by Jake at 4:39 PM on August 21, 2008 has had embedding on its videos for at least the past month.

posted by Jason DeRusha at 5:19 PM on August 21, 2008

It's a huge deal. The whole point of having things on the net is to be able to share and comment. Although Facebook has made embed less important/useful.

posted by Jason Sares at 7:00 PM on August 21, 2008

C-SPAN now offers embeddable video -that you can edit as well - as part of their Convention web coverage (in addition to Qik and Twitter functionality and a YouTube page) or

posted by Richard at 12:37 PM on August 24, 2008

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