aug 27


New site: BackType. It tries to aggregate and make searchable all the comments in the blogosphere (now there's a rich data set!). TechCrunch calls it "a Twitter for comments."


Hey, thanks so much for the mention of BackType.

posted by Mike Montano at 8:47 PM on August 27, 2008

For a good time, call up a search for "krucoff" and then one for "fek". It's positively ... shoot, I guess I can't call it Caesarean, now can I? Or can I?

Anyway, I have to admit - this really does make me aware of the whole "owning what you write" - it's like finding nerdy letters you wrote in seventh grade, kind of the "I said that?" feeling. Also, various sites draw varying voices.

What comments systems/programs does it feed from? Cool concept.

posted by katiebakes at 8:30 AM on August 28, 2008

Does anyone still use coComment?

posted by James at 11:02 AM on August 29, 2008

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